Senin, 30 Maret 2009


Definition of algorithms is the order langkahlangkah
logical problems that
arranged systematically.
Exchange algorithm ISI vessel
Given two vessels A and B, a vessel containing
solvent red, vessel B contains a solution
blue. Pertukarkan content of the second vessel
so that a vessel containing the solution
blue and vessel B contains the solution color
- Pour the solution from the vessel A to B in the vessel
- Pour the solution from the vessel in vessel B to A.

• Algorithm exchange vessel on the ISI does not
the exchange of the truth.
Step above is not logical, the exchange
happens is that mixing the two
the solution is.
• To replace the contents duah vessel,
required as an additional vessel
temporary shelter, for example,
vessel C. Then algorithm for
the exchange is the correct
as follows

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